Product Description
Trachycarpus wagnerianus is the very best Trachycarpus for general cultivation. Its many attributes include the following:
- A compact habit with up to about 100 small and very stiff leaves - only about 60 cm (24 in.) across.
- Jaunty and charming appearance from a very early age.
- Young plants have a gorgeous, bonsai-like appearance with enormous customer appeal!
- Ideal for the smaller garden, and for container use.
- Adaptable to all kinds of climates, from cold temperate to dry tropical.
- Great cold tolerance, down to -17°C (1°F).
- Great tolerance of wind, which is the major enemy of T. fortunei.
- The perfect choice for coastal situations.
- Easy germination, at room temperature.
- Tolerant of transplanting at any size with zero set-back and practically no leaf loss.
- Speed of growth: once in the ground it can grow more than 30 cm (1 ft.) of trunk per year.
- Excellent resistance to all kinds of diseases and pests.
Trachycarpus wagnerianus will grow almost anywhere. The toughest one we have seen grows in Iceland (!), and the most tropical ones grow in Costa Rica. In both places they were doing great. We are convinced that it will eventually replace T. fortunei as the most popular cold hardy palm once it is more widely available.
It is not known in the wild, only in cultivation, and Japan is generally considered to be its native country, where it is already hugely popular. (